1. Where / how did you meet?
We met at church...where all good boys and girls should meet. :) He was visiting from OH. He was a worship leader/guitarist/singer/carpenter. My Dad liked him right away because he was a Petra fan. My Mom was wary, because she thought he was 30, (keep in mind I'm 18 at the time.) My sisters couldn't stop staring at his ponytail. I noticed him right off the bat, because he looked like a hippie...(and hippies have always fascinated me.) I didn't know whether I thought he was attractive, per se, at the time...but I do remember having the distinct feeling he was going to be important in my life from the moment I met him. (Oh, and just so you're not getting upset with me, my parents, or my dear husband, he was not 30...in fact he was 24...and a 6 year age difference sounds a LOT better to moms than a 12 + age difference.)
2. How long have you known each other?
Approximately 3 1/2-ish years.
3. How long after you met did you start dating?
We officially "met" in July...I think we went on our first date in November. In between July and November there were lots of intense staring matches between us...but not much else. (I don't think we said 5 words to eachother in those 4 months.) The lack of verbal communication had pretty much decided me that he was not interested. So I was a little surprised when he asked me out to dinner one night. I was more surprised that Mom and Dad were OK with it (Matt had already asked Dad's permission - just to ask me out!) I was MOST surprised that I said yes so fast. (I felt sorry for him, because the barn he had been building at his sister's place had blown down that morning in a wind storm. I just couldn't bring myself to make his bad day worse.)
4. How long did you date before you were engaged?
We were engaged 7 months after our first date. In April, Matt told me he wanted to marry me. This was only a few months after our first date, and the thought of marriage at that moment made me feel very, very young. I was scared, OK? So I broke the relationship off...with good intentions, mind you. I didn't want to lead Matt one when I wasn't sure of my own heart.
It took me a week, (if that,) to realize I was in love with him, and couldn't live my life without him. Of course, I was stubborn, and waited until June before I finally told him. We were engaged immediately thereafter.
5. How long was your engagement?
One long year and a half.
6. How long have you been married?
One year and 9 months.
7. What is your anniversary?
December 16
8. How many people came to your wedding reception?
I don't think I ever got an official headcount, but more people than I expected showed up. It was wonderful though - there was more than enough food and cake, and I think everyone had a good time.
9. What kind of cake did you serve?
I don't remember much of it, but I do know it came from Wal-Mart...and it was pretty. The top was decorated with fresh red and yellow roses.
10. Where was your wedding?
We were married in the little church where we met for the first time...*sigh* It was romantic to us.
11. What did you serve for the meal?
This was a source of contention between my parents and I...(after all, weddings cannot be pulled off without at least a teeny bit of contention!) We wanted a potluck style reception. My parents thought catering was the way to go. In the end we compromised and got party platters of sandwiches, cheese and vegetables...again, from Wal-Mart.
12. How many people were in your bridal party?
10 total. The bride and groom...I had my two sisters, a friend, and my dear godmother with me, and Matt had his cousin and three good friends with him.
13. Are you still friends with them all?
Yes...though with life staying perpetually busy, it's hard to stay in touch as much as one would like.
14. Did your spouse cry during the ceremony?
No, he didn't. I didn't either. I actually don't think we payed much attention to what was going on. I hadn't slept or eaten in over 24 hours. And my feet were killing me.
15. Most special moment of your wedding day?
Kissing Matt...for the first time...yes, ever.
16. Any funny moments?
There was my friend, Mrs. L, (who was trying to catch Mr. L. at the time,) tackling the bridesmaids for the wedding bouquet...she got it too!
17. Any big disasters?
Luckily, blessedly, happily no.
18. Where did you go on honeymoon?
We went to Asheville, NC, and stayed in a tiny 2 room cabin for a week. It was grand.
19. How long were you gone?
Exactly a week.
20. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change?
I'd drug myself the night before, to make myself get some sleep...and I'd skip the high heeled shoes.
21. What side of the bed do you sleep in?
Standing at the foot of the bed, my side is on the right. We decided that on our wedding night. Matt asked "which side do you want?" I thought, pensively...because I hate decision making. But the left side of the bed was right next to the closet doors...which were basically floor to ceiling mirrors. And I realized "me" wasn't the sight I wanted to wake up to every morning. So I chose the right side.
22. What size is your bed?
23. Greatest strength as a couple?
We never fight. (Seriously!) In all honesty though, I think our greatest strength is that we try to never rely on our own strength to make our marriage work - we rely on the Lord, in that we do our best to follow the rules HE lays out for married couples. Matt loves me, and I submit to his authority. Call it old-fashioned, but it works.
24. Greatest challenge as a couple?
Finding time (by time I mean time where Matt isn't 99% exhausted.)
25. Who literally pays the bills?
26. What is your song?
We don't have a song. :( Because we're boring like that.
27. What did you dance your first dance to?
We didn't dance...we've never danced together...because we're boring like THAT too...
28. Describe your wedding dress
My wedding dress is so special to me. My mother in law made it for me. It's an ivory satin sleeveless gown, with an ivory lace shift that goes over the top, with 3/4 length sleeves, and gathering at the hips and back.
29. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding?
White poinsettias on the stage and Matt made my bouquet himself, out of bright red, fresh gerber daisies...(my favorite flower.) My bridesmaids didn't carry flowers...since it was an evening service, I had them carry lanterns with candles in them.
30. Are you happy to be married?
To say "yes" feels like an understatement. I am SO happy to be married to Matt. The way we met, got to know eachother, dated, got engaged, and finally married was not exactly conventional, but God made it so evident to both of us, throughout the process, that we were meant for eachother. I have no doubt that I am exactly where I was always meant to be, and that gives me the coolest feeling of peace and joy.
*Photo of wedding rings was not taken by us.
I love this blog and I would LOVE to see wedding pictures for you! I am a happily single 24 year old who is passionate about God but a glimpse into your wedded bliss gets me all excited for my future! :) Thanks for sharing, I am eager to read more!
Here are my top moments from your wedding (from the bridesmaid's perspective):
1. staying up all night with the girls and going out for breakfast the next morning. And James telling us it was all on the house...even though you had already paid for yours.
2. meeting Mrs. L. as you call her. Back when she was Ms. L. :) It was fun to see their love story unfold. And to see her catch the bouquet. She jumped like a basketball player!
3. Helping set up for the reception with you girls.
4. Hanging out with Cheryl!!!
5. The bad part was holding those lanterns for what? Half an hour up on stage during the ceremony...our hands were scorching. Next time, let's do flowers, kay? Oh...there is no next time?? Okay, that's even better!
Sorry if that was a lame comment. :) That's the perk of being a sister.
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