Here's our healthy little baby. (Emphasis on the healthy...*sigh of major relief!*)
I was so nervous going in this morning. I could hardly get any breakfast down, and was shaking walking into the office. We had a long wait in the waiting room before being called back for the ultrasound.
Unfortunately, to make matters worse, I soon learned I had to have a vaginal ultrasound, rather than the normal "on the belly" kind...due to having had bleeding a few weeks ago. It was extremely uncomfortable, as always...until she found the baby.
There he was kicking and wiggling his teeny legs and arms...his heartbeat going fast and strong. I couldn't believe how much bigger he was since last time! What amazing growth in only 4 weeks! As soon as I saw him, all the discomfort didn't matter a single bit anymore. I started laughing like a nut, then proceeded to burst into tears. It was an amazing moment.
Since some of you have a hard time reading the 2D ultrasound images, I am happy to announce I have a special surprise for you. The ultrasound technician gave us a bunch of 3D images of the baby - they are absolutely incredible, and I am so happy to show them to you...

It was a marvelous day. I'm really pregnant...really, really pregnant!
I'm awed. At you, the baby, and God. Those pictures are just too cool. Just too cool!
You are assuming that it's a boy I see...
I still say that in that last picture the baby's face looks like you. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's born. I get to play the 'who does the baby look like' game.
Congrats. :)
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