Hi, and welcome to my blog!
Here you will get a peek into the life of a domestic engineer...(what...didn't your school offer that degree?) It's a quiet life, but it's never boring!
Why do I blog? Basically, I love to write. I always have. I've been writing stories and journals since I was 5 years old. Blogging is a modern, hip way of doing both those things, with a ready-made audience to share it all with - you!
I also love to take pictures. I've been playing with cameras for quite a few years now. Just when I think I might be "good" I see pictures from those who are really good. I mean really, REALLY good. And then my bubble goes *pop.* However, 'good' or not, I love it, and I'll keep on doing it too. This year I graduated from a point and shoot, to a fancy Nikon d80 dSLR camera. I'm also learning about Photoshop Elements. I'll share my pictures with you here, and you can feel free to tell me how you like (or dislike) them in the comments sections!
This is going to be a busy year for me (and it's more than halfway over already.) I mean, just recently (as in within the last two months) all of this has happened:
*We got pregnant
*We bought a new puppy
*We started moving into a new rental
*We started thinking about moving to Maine...or perhaps Hawaii...
*We drew up plans for a little, teeny-tiny house (well, actually my husband The Carpenter did that, but I put my 2 cents in where needed...)
As you can see, therefore, I have lots to talk about...and share...and take pictures of. I invite you to keep checking in with me to see how these adventures play out in the near future!
Now hold on to your hats...because The Happy Housewife is going public...right NOW!
1 comment:
Very nice, happy housewife. It seems such a welcoming and interesting blog so far. Good luck on going public and keep us all informed on what's happening!
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