...And I'll say it again...I LOVE my fancy camera! I'm not a great photographer, but this camera makes my pictures look like I could be one!
It's a Nikon d80...a dSLR (digital Single Lens Reflex) camera. I'm not 100% positive on what the exact definition of dSLR is (I could look it up for you right now, but I'm too lazy...) My definition is: A highly complicated, technical gadget that can use a wide variety of lenses, and basically works like a completely manual old-fashioned camera...except it's digital.
Ok so my definitions aren't that great, but that's the gist of it.
I don't like to talk about the technical workings of our fancy camera...I'll save that for my husband Matt, who LOVES explaining complicated, technical gizmos. All I really care about is, the camera takes darn good pictures, and I really enjoy using it.
I use the fancy camera all the time. Like this past 4th of July...

And to chronicle my rare dabbles in craftiness...
...The camera comes in handy to get silly pictures of my favorite mutts, Django and Moby...

...and to capture a bird on my husband's head...

Have I mentioned I LOVE black and white photography?

I used the camera to take a picture of my husband's hair... before his mother cut it all off...
I use the camera to take pictures of unusual architecture...because Matt and I are weird that way...we always notice architecture... And whether or not a roof is gabled or hipped...or even dutch hipped...because we're weird like that.
I even use the camera to take pictures of me...because I like the way pictures I take of me look, and I usually don't like the way pictures OTHER people take of me look. (Hmm...I said "I" 4 times and "me" 3 times...in just 1 sentence.)

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